Keep calm and hackathon!

We are happy to announce our participation in the Back to the living room 2 hackathon! It will be held online on February 5-7.

The event is organized by 42 Entrepreneurs, an organization promoting entrepreneurship among Ecole 42 students, so it’s no wonder that the goal of this hackathon is to create a startup 😁

Each startup must solve a problem related to one of the following subjects:

  • Leveraging Social Networks
  • Seniors and technological barriers
  • Visual creation

Our team will lead a workshop to introduce Meilisearch to the participants and present our prize. Meilisearch will grant 1000 € to the team that makes the best use of our search engine.

We will also mentor the participants, which means we’ll be helping them as much as we can: with our product, and also any other technology within our area of expertise.

Sponsoring this hackathon has a special meaning for Meilisearch. Our founders and most of our team members are 42 alumni, and Meilisearch came to fruition after winning a hackathon. We feel like we’ve come full circle! But that is another story, and shall be told another time 😉

If you are interested, you can submit your application up to the 1st of February. The hackathon is open internationally to anyone willing to participate, with the only requirement being that a student or alumni from 42 must be on every team. If you don’t know any, don’t worry! The organizers will help you find a match 😌

Best of luck, and may the best hackers win!

Photo by Dillon Shook on Unsplash