Meet Caro, our new Developer Advocate

Hello World! I’m Carolina, a Spaniard settled in France. I recently joined Meilisearch as a Junior Developer Advocate.

Unlike Fred, I’m relatively new to developer advocacy and, let’s be honest here, software development in general! Indeed, I’m a former teacher who fell in love with coding and decided to make it her job.  I’m extremely lucky to be a part of Meilisearch’s team and its fantastic community.

Here’s a little more about me. I come from the Canary Islands, AKA paradise (where winter does not exist), but I live in Lyon, the world capital of gastronomy. I survive winter with cheese and wine. I love exercising, reading, and watching movies and series, and I spend more time than I’d like to admit watching cat videos.  I get very nervous on planes, but I cope with it because I love traveling, exploring new places, and trying new food. I’m a former scout, so I always try to be helpful to others and smile through any difficulty—I don’t always succeed, but I try 😁. Speaking of smiles, I enjoy good memes and gifs, so don’t hesitate to use them when chatting with me.

My mission is to make your life easier, to help you reach your goals. Your experience with Meilisearch should be as smooth and painless as possible. I feel truly blessed to be able to combine my passion for coding with my love for teaching—understood as the process of sharing knowledge and skills. Feel free to share with me your suggestions, ideas, or any issues you might come across. I am always happy to help, learn something new, or just share experiences and ideas, so don’t hesitate to get hold of me.

Hope to talk to you soon!